Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The 5 Pillars of Islam:

Every action which is done with the awareness that it fulfils the will of God is considered an act of worship in Islam. Nevertheless, the specific acts of Worship, termed the pillars of Islam, provide the framework of spiritual life.
They are the Following:
1.    Shahada ( The declaration of Faith )
"I bear witness that there is none worthy of Worship except God, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger"
The Prophethood of Muhammad ( SAW ) obliges the Muslims to follow his exemplary life in every way.
2.    Salah ( Prayers )
Prayers are prescribed five times a day as a duty towards God. They strengthen and enliven the belief in God and inspire  man to a higher morality. They purify the heart and control temptation towards wrong doing and evil. It should be stressed  that while Allah does not need our prayers we cannot survive without His blessings and guidance.
"O you who believe ! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for Allah is with those who patiently persevere". ( Holy Qu'ran )
3.    Sawm ( Fasting )
Fasting is observed once each year during the month of Ramadan. This means abstention from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset, and also from all evil intentions and desires. It teaches Love, sincerity and devotion. It develops a sound social conscience, patience, unselfishness and willpower. When we fast by choice, God remembers our sufferings. He appreciates it all :)
4.    Zakat ( Charity )
Zakat payment annually of 2.5% of ones net savings as a purifying sum to be spent on the poor and needy. Zakat implies that everything man possesses belongs to God and therefore anyone in need has a share in it.
5.    Pilgrimage ( Hajj ) to the Holy City of Makkah:
Once in a lifetime provided one has the means to do so. Hajj implies Man's temporary suspension of all worldly activities and his realisation of himself as a naked soul in front of God alone.

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